ICAPP Training

Enrolments Now Open

ICAPP is pleased to announce its training program for 2023 

Full Program & Times

Please email icappsydney@gmail.com for further information

Term 1: Feb 13 – April 7, 2023
Term 2: April 24 – June 9, 2023
Term 3: July 17 – Sept 8, 2023
Term 4:  September 25 – Nov 10, 2023


Units 1 & 2 Infant Observation – Jude Piercey OR Annette Murphy
Unit 3 History and Theory of Psychoanalytic Practice (Stage one) Introduction to Psychoanalytic Theory – Marc Chaussivert
Unit 4 Introduction to Practice of Child & Adolescent Psychotherapy Helen Young
Unit 5Working with Parents and Families – Jeanne Magagna and Sally Young
Unit 6 Assessment Semester – Helen Young
Unit 7 Clinical Supervision Semester 2 – Peter Blake
Unit 8 History and Theory of Psychoanalytic Practice (Stage two) Exploring Klein and Bion – Annette Murphy
Unit 9 History and Theory of Psychoanalytic Practice (Stage three) Contemporary Theory (Ogden/Ferro) – Brad Freeman
Unit 10 Advanced Clinical Issues – Working with Winnicott – Monica Lanyado
Unit 11 Advanced Clinical Seminar – Sue Reid
Unit 12 Working with Adolescents – Steve Tuber

NEW DIPLOMA in History and Theory of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents (see More About the Course)

Other events and seminars will be announced throughout 2023

$1050 each for units 3, 4 and 8. These Units continue for 15 weeks.
$100 per week for Infant Observation (90 minute seminar). This unit continues for at least one year
Fees to be advised for seminar 10

For further or to apply for enrolment into the ICAPP program please send your completed application form to icappsydney@gmail.com

Download the course application form 

Alternatively, please email icappsydney@gmail.com to request an application form to be forwarded to you. 

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