Personality Development meets Psychodynamic Thought & Practice with Beverley Tydeman


How do we integrate research findings from attachment theory, neuroscience and developmental psychology into our therapeutic work with children, adolescents and parents.

Dates Wednesdays July 17 to October 2, 2024
           (term break 4th & 11th September)
Times 5pm to 6.15pm
Cost   $1,000 for the 10-week course 

Text for the course: Inside Lives – Psychoanalysis and the Growth of the Personality by Margot Waddell, 1998, Tavistock Clinic Series.

Participants will need to purchase or loan this book for the course. (It’s a great addition to your library)

Applications from experienced psychotherapists working with children and/or adolescents are invited.

Applications and enquiries to 

Contact Us Here to Enrol in this Course

About Beverley Tydeman
Beverley grew up in South Africa where she had trained as a teacher psychologist and also as a social worker. She has worked in education, social care and health. She taught child and family mental health at Rhodes University before emigrating to the UK. She trained at the Tavistock clinic first as a child psychotherapist and then as a couple’s therapist. She then worked at the Tavistock and Marlborough Family Service / Westminster CAMHS.
She was chair of the ACP (Association of Child Psychotherapists) between 2008 and 2011 and worked on various committees for the professional body. After retiring from the NHS she spent some years back in South Africa teaching various courses for the IPCP (Institute of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy). She is now in the process of retiring back in London but is continuing her academic work.

For information about teaching staff and other matters
please see the ICAPP website

Interstate and professionals from other countries
are most welcome to apply.