Commencing Thursday July 18th from 9am to 10.15am (AEST – Sydney time) 2024 via Zoom
A respectful way to approach Winnicott’s work is to think dynamically, in the literal sense of the word. That is, to see his ideas as a presentation of paradoxes, never fully resolvable by words alone, yet capable of stirring us to find greater and deeper meanings to even the simplest of gestures and symbols. I’d like us to approach this course with paradox and dilemma solving/making as the frame of reference. We will also use this course as didactic seminar simultaneously with clinical material, using both his work and our own, to supplement our review of his theoretical contributions. I look forward to meeting and working with you all.”
imes 9am to 10.15am
Cost $1,500 for the 15 week course
Required Text Students will be required to buy or borrow the following book for this course:
Attachment, Play and Authenticity: Winnicott in a Clinical Context (Rowman and Littlefield, 2019) by Steven Tuber
Applications to from experienced psychotherapists working with children and/or adolescents are invited.
About Steven Tuber
Steve is a warm and insightful psychotherapist with a wealth of experience providing supervision in this area. He has a Ph.D., ABPP, is Professor of Psychology, Director of Clinical Training and Program Head of the Doctoral Program in clinical psychology at the City College of New York, where he has taught for 38 years.
He is the recipient of the College’s two highest faculty awards, the President’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship, Service and Teaching and the Provost’s Lifetime Achievement Award for Outstanding Teaching.
In addition to teaching courses on Winnicott, and on child and adolescent therapy and assessment, he is the author/editor of eight critically acclaimed books: two on the works of Donald Winnicott; two on child therapy; two on projective testing; one on parenting and one on obsessive-compulsive disorder.
He is the editor in chief of the book series, Psychological Assessment and Treatment in the 21st century (Lexington Books) and is about to be named the Co-Editor in Chief of the Journal of Infant, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy.
For information about teaching staff and other matters
please see the ICAPP website
Interstate and professionals from other countries
are most welcome to apply.